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How much information you use rather depends who you are

It is possible to put crude figures on what philophers have long called "sense data".

The nervous system

One estimate suggests that 90% of all business information is etained on paper

How much information do businesses have. Experience in small and medium sized businesses suggests that their core business process data collection anges from about a hundred megabytes to a couple of gigabytes.

Quite often there are large collections of backup copies of various things - programmers and administrators saving things to disk "in case something goes wrong".

Most business systems tend to have some common features.

Most businesses purchase materials so there is a purchase order system. There are records for suppliers and may be records for the products and services they offer.

Name and Address Data

Allowing 40 characters for the business name, then 25 characters each for 4 lines of address and a postcode  - allow 150 characters. As a coma delimited file most addresses fit withing 100 characters.

How many customers there are obviously depends on the size and nature of the business. Primary businesses like coal mines and steelworks tend to have a few customers.

Most mid businesses have a few hundred to a few thousand - and may have a mailing list of a few thousand more

Services like telecoms service providers and utilities may have millions.