D3L10A HP Color Laserjet Enterprise M750xh

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SKU: D3L10A Category: Tag:


Model: HP Color Laserjet Enterprise M750xh
Print Speed: Up to 30 ppm Black and Color
HP ePrint Mobile Printing: Yes
Media Size: 76 x 127 to 320 x 470mm, Tray 2,3,4,5,6: 148 x 211 to 297 x 432mm
Two-Sided Printing: Automatic (standard)
Connectivity, Std: 2 Hi-Speed USB 2.0 Host, 1 Hi-Speed USB 2.0 Device, 1 Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000T network, 2 Internal USB Host
Duty Cycle, Monthly: Up to 120,000 pages
Recommended Monthly Volume: Between 2500 to 13,000 pages

Additional information





Print Technology




Paper Size


Two Sided Print (duplex)

Automatic Duplex



Black Cartridge Size (max pages)


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