HP RC3-1424 HIP Cover for the HP Laserjet M601, M602, M603


HP RC3-1424 HIP cover .

HP Partsurfer says:

RC3-1424-000CN HIP cover - Mount on the right cover assembly - For use with Laserjet Enterprise 602/603 series

Icecat says this part has a product code of RC2-2468-000CN and the EAN/UPC code is:5704327804017 . There are 2365 views on this product

This part might also be known by HP's full code is RC2-2468-000CN

M601, M602, M603, P4015/P4515

Supply Situation

In November 2014 this part is shown under three distributors, none has stock . New this part is around £11 . Stock figures indicate there is very low demand for this part. These are just guidelines to give an idea, our prices change with distribution lists - see the catalog . .

Stock numbers for the option cover vary with time and at the moment there is no stock which indicates there is very low demand for the part.

If stock is available, we would usually be able to ship this part for next-day delivery.