HP RM1-8290 Control Panel for HP Laserjet Enterprise M601 series Printers.


HP Part RM1-8290 is the Control Panel for HP Laserjet Enterprise M601 series Printers

To see RM1-8290 in context in the engineering diagrams click here.

HP Information

HP Partsurfer says about RM1-8290-000CN:

RM1-8290-000CN Control panel assembly - Control buttons and display located on right top corner of the printer - For use only with LaserJet Enterprise M601 printer series

Icecat says this part has a product code of RM1-8290-000CN and the EAN/UPC code is: 5711045594632. There are 202 views on this product

Web Research

A google Query on RM1-8289 in September 2013 gave About 2,990 results (0.22 seconds) with the first in organic search being as follows:


amazon.co.uk (ZAR Systems) £157.00, ebay.co.uk (strepx) $99.50+$13.24, lambda-tek.com £81.82, printerworks.com refurb $76.73, partshere.com $143.50, amazon.com DEC Trader $124.00, laserxperts.com used $69.50, pricegrabber.com not available, jxwnfdkb.wordpress.com irrelevant page, techpartswarehouse.com refurb P & A on request, lbrty.com irrelevant page, virtueit.com P & A on request, store.emprgroup.com.au $201.37, tradebin.com members only, buyhpupgrades.com $210.00, shop.neobits.com check upgradexperts.net $210.00, jetmedia.co.uk no stock, partstat.com obsolete, com-com.co.uk parts listings, markit.eu £115.89, mktech-corp.com P & A on request, digitaloptions.com $189.10, bluegoosesystems.co.uk P & A on request, toner2print.com $151.05, partsurfer.hp.com parts listings, launch3telecom.com product summary, codemicro.com P & A on request, usprinterparts.com P & A on request

Prices noted are for a new item, one off, without tax. The list is as encountered. We haven't bothered with currency conversion - half of our readers are outside the UK and are more interested in dollar prices.

None of the websites seen gave any further information on the product - Wordpress supplies a little. There are one or two irrelevant listings here or P & A on request. No helpful blogs on this part. All the rest were merely vendors giving no more information than found in the HP brochure.

Supply Situation

We may be able to provide this part when required. The price is about £93.

These are guidelines, our prices change with distribution lists - see the catalog. Stock numbers indicate there is not much call for the part.