HP RM1-8340 Laser Cable for HP LaserJet M601 series Printers.


HP Part RM1-8340 Laser Cable for HP LaserJet M601 series Printers

HP Information

HP Partsurfer shows for RM1-8340-000CN

RM1-8340-000CN Laser/scanner cable - Connects the laser/scanner assembly with the DC controller PC board.

Icecat says this part has one short public code RM1-8340-000CN but no GTIN is stated. There are 181 public views on this part


This part is used in M601, M602, M604, M605,M606 series printers

Web Research



Supply Situation

The part is listed by a three distributors but they don't hold stock. We think demand for the part will be very low.

We may be able to provide this part when required. The price is about £11.

These are guidelines, our prices change with distribution lists - see the catalog. Stock numbers indicate there is not much call for the part.